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Configuring Caching and Queueing

The technologies the gDcc uses for caching and communications can be changed through configuration.

The dcc has the following configurable components

ComponentNotesDefaultExamples of Alternatives
CacheCaches the values of lookups and traces.Custom redis based implementationIDistributedCache using SQL or Redis
QueueSends requests to the backend (via dapr)RabbitMQAzure Service Bus
PubsubSends messages to subscribers (via dapr)RabbitMQAzure Service Bus
StateStores state. Used for results, binary data storage and roadnetmanager state (via dapr)RedisAzure Storage

Configuring Secrets for Azure Connections

To use Azure Service Bus or Azure Storage, you'll need to configure the connection strings to azure. To avoid accidentally committing credentials to git it is recommended to use Dapr secrets. The examples below assumes you have configured dapr secrets.

  • Copy dev\dapr\alt-components\secretstore.yml to dev\dapr\components\

  • Create the file secrets.json in dev\dapr\configuration. It should contain the following:

    "connections": {
    "ASBConnectionString": "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=XXX_YOUR_VALUE_XXX;SharedAccessKey=XXX_YOUR_VALUE_XXX",
    "AzureStorageAccountKey": "XXX_YOUR_VALUE_XXX"
  • For the values of these properties:

    • ASBConnectionString can be found on Service Bus Your service bus (ex: jens-dcc-poc) Shared access policies Your Policy.
    • AzureStorageAccountKey can be found on Storage accounts  Your storage account (ex: jensdccpocsa) Access keys Key.

Configuring PubSub and Queueing via Azure Service Bus

If you wish to use Azure ServiceBus you will need a subscription for Azure Service Bus.

  • Start by configuring secrets as described above
  • Copy dev\dapr\alt-components\asb-pubsub-queue.yml to the folder dev\dapr\components\
  • Copy dev\dapr\alt-components\asb-pubsub.yml to the folder dev\dapr\components\
  • In dev\docker-compose\.env update the following values
    • PubSubQueue=pubsub-queuePubSubQueue=asb-pubsub-queue
    • PubSub=pubsubPubSub=asb-pubsub
    • RoadNetPubSub=pubsubRoadNetPubSub=asb-pubsub

This removes the dependency on RabbitMQ so you can optionally remove it from your image:

  • Delete dev\dapr\components\pubsub-queue.yml

  • Delete dev\dapr\components\pubsub.yml

  • Delete the services:rabbitmq section in dev\docker-compose\docker-compose.yml

  • Delete the rabbitmq dependency from the x-services:dapr-service:depends_on section in dev\docker-compose\docker-compose.yml

  • Delete the mnesia entry from the volumes section in dev\docker-compose\docker-compose.yml

Configuring State Storage via Azure Storage

If you wish to use Azure Storage you will need a subscription for Azure Storage.

  • Start by configuring secrets as described above
  • Copy dev\dapr\alt-components\asb-state.yml to the folder dev\dapr\components\
  • In dev\docker-compose\.env update the following values
    • State=stateState=asb-state
    • RoadNetState=stateRoadNetState=asb-state
    • BinaryStorage=stateBinaryStorage=asb-state

The cache still needs redis, so you can't remove redis from the image, but you can optionally remove the redis component from dapr:

  • Delete dev\dapr\components\state.yml

  • Delete the redis dependency from the x-services:dapr-service:depends_on section in dev\docker-compose\docker-compose.yml

Configuring Cache via IDistributedCache

The cache isn't controlled by dapr and we currently support three implementations:

Using IDistributedCache with Redis

  • In dev\docker-compose\.env update the following value
    • CacheType=RedisSpecializedCacheType=Redis

Using IDistributedCache with SQL Server

To use SQL Server you'll have to add an SQL Server image to the compose file. The image is stored in our own cloud so retrieving it requires some extra steps.

  • Pull the SQL Server image:

    • Run the batch script /dev/PullSqlServerImage.bat by double clicking it.
    • A browser tab will open asking you to log in to Azure. Do that.
    • Wait for the script to finish (it will take some time).
  • Prepare storage by adding a named volume for the image under volumes. This could look like:

  • Add the sql image, by adding the following section under services to dev\docker-compose\docker-compose.yml:

    # pulling this may require auth: 1. install 'azure CLI' if missing 2. run 'az login' and login via browser/popup 3. run 'az acr login --name amcsmainprdcr'
    - "1431:1433"
    - SA_PASSWORD=dv4ZUD3GGsKeaMsc
    - MSSQL_PID=Developer
    - 'attach_dbs=[{dbFiles: "c:\\databases\\DccCache.mdf", dbName: "DccCache"}]'
    - sqlserver:c:\databases
    - $Network
    test: ["CMD", "sqlcmd", "-q", "SELECT 1"]
    interval: 30s
    timeout: 10s
    retries: 5
  • Optionally add a dependency so the components doesn't start until the sql server is running. The easiest is to add it to the the dapr components under the x-services:dapr-service:depends_onsection:

    condition: service_healthy
    condition: service_healthy
    condition: service_healthy
  • Initialize the cache database:

    • In VS open the "dev" folder in solution explorer, right click the docker-compose project and choose "Set as Startup Project", then press Ctrl+F5 to start without debugging. This will build and start a number of containers, including the one containing the database.
    • Open Docker Desktop. In "Containers" there should be an "globaldcc-compose" entry. Unfold it and wait for the sqlserver container to have status running.
    • Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). When asked which server to connect to, choose
      • Server type: Database Engine
      • Server name:,1431
      • Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
      • Login: sa
      • Password: dv4ZUD3GGsKeaMsc
    • In SSMS open "Databases". This folder should be empty except for a couple of standard subfolders.
    • In VS open the "tools" folder in solution explorer, right click the DccCache.DbUp project and choose "Set as Startup Project", then press F5 to run DbUp. This should create the database and the needed tables.
    • In SSMS right click "Databases" and click "Refresh". There should now be a DccCache database.
    • In Docker Desktop stop globaldcc-compose by clicking the stop button.

Optional: Removing Redis

If you switch the state to using Azure Storage and the Cache to using SQL Server you can remove the Redis dependency from your image:

  • Delete dev\dapr\components\state.yml
  • Delete the services:redis section in dev\docker-compose\docker-compose.yml
  • Delete the redis dependency from the x-services:dapr-service:depends_on section in dev\docker-compose\docker-compose.yml
  • Delete the redis entry from the volumes section in dev\docker-compose\docker-compose.yml